Nation’s Best – We Can Help (800) 789-1605
Comprehensive Assessment & Recovery Experience
C.A.R.E. Unit programs support the emotional health of teams in a production bubble. Every production’s weakest link is its most vulnerable member. With Program Director Mackenzie Phillips connecting a production team to our clinical team, C.A.R.E. Unit programming values on the job safety as havingnever been more vital. Change Inc helps teams support their production with safety management in 2020, in new ways adding to the work done since 2005.
C.A.R.E. Unit pillars establish group and individualized levels of help, tailored to production team and member needs featuring: Embedded Clinical Care, Wellness Coaching (CADAC or CIP minimum) and Case Management. With more than fifteen years serving B2B needs of studios, labels and management, Founder Brad Lamm has perfected successful mobile behavioral health support since 2005.
In the midst of a global pandemic, pockets of instability resulting from team member vulnerabilities endanger the entire production in ways not imagined previously. C.A.R.E. Unit supports on-set safety with mental health needs and self-care through scheduled and on-call care, confidential assessment and triage.
Where families across the globe find the leading intervention and support to help someone they love.