Eating Disorder Intervention

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Psychologist Supporting Female Patient
Eating Disorders affect up to 24 million Americans and 70 million individuals worldwide while more than 70 million Americans are overweight or obese. Without a doubt the way we eat, affects how we feel, and how we live life.

Effective Approaches to Eating Disorder Intervention

Eating disorders can be emotional and tough realities to deal with, but with the right support your loved one can overcome this increasingly common problem.

In his book JUST 10 LBS, Founder Brad Lamm explored the complicated relationship so many have with food – and steps to take to get help. Brad’s work with eating disorder clients deepened with the documentary series he created and produced with Oprah Winfrey, Addicted to Food.

We recognize that an eating disorder is a real challenge, and rather than focusing on the eating itself and trying to replace it with diet and exercise, we address the situation with a broader scope of action. Best practices have proven that addressing the whole person, mind, body, and spirit, has an impact on the success of treatment and lifelong recovery from an eating disorder.

It can be challenging to help a loved one struggling with an eating disorder.
A behavioral health crisis don’t discriminate and it has an impact on more than just your loved one. People who struggle with addictive behaviors are often in denial about their situation, and usually unwilling to seek treatment. Most times they can’t see the negative effects their behavior has on their own lives, much less the lives of those around them including children, siblings, spouses, partners and parents.

Why Professional Support is Crucial in Eating Disorder Intervention

A professional eating disorder intervention can be a powerful way for a family member, colleague or friend ignoring or denying their current realities, to begin change.

We combine our proprietary intervention method, called the Breakfree Intervention, with our unsurpassed reputation in the field of crisis intervention as being ethical, effective, and professional. Our Fair Care Promise services come complete with a qualified interventionist and a comprehensive family service plan to ensure your loved one and your family moves onto a path to change your lives. For good.

We help families do what you can’t do on your own. With respect, love and hope.

We Can Help You With Drug
& Alcohol Intervention
An icon featuring two orange hands with upward-facing open palms, holding a blue heart above them. The background is transparent.

The most effective intervention and referral services in the country. Over the last decade, our Intervention Specialists have helped thousands of families put the pieces back together; we can help your family too.

Icon of a credit card and an identification card displayed in blue and orange colors. The credit card, on the left, shows blue parallel lines representing text. The identification card on the right includes a circular emblem and a blue bar at the bottom.
Drug Intervention

Over the last decade, our Intervention Specialists have helped thousands of families put the pieces back together; we can help your family too.

A blue "N+" logo with an orange prohibition symbol (a circle with a diagonal line) over it, indicating disallowance or restriction.
Alcohol Intervention

Alcoholism, while a powerful addiction, can be overcome with the love and support of family paired with our team of professionals.