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Invitational Intervention Study Data

Below is some info regarding the invitational intervention protocol A Relational Intervention Sequence for Engagement (the ARISE® intervention). The research’s lead authors Landau & Garrett were Brad’s mentors. Garrett is deceased and Landau’s in her 80s now. Brad has worked to popularize this evidence-based model, with the highest engagement rate of any intervention method. His work is based on this model with the largest actual practice of the model by a single agency with over 3000 successful cases managed since 2005.
Results of a clinical trial in the United States through the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) resulted in 83% of addicted individuals entering treatment in three weeks and 96% in 6 months. Several real world replication studies showed 61% sober by the end of the first year, with an additional 10% using less.
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