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5 Alarming Xanax Facts

Xanax is one of the world’s most popular prescription pills and so many different kinds of people are taking them. Xanax is is cherished for its ability to ease stress and produce a smooth chill high among all kinds of people including fast-paced professionals, moms & dads at home, high school kids, LA icons, celebrities, internet rappers, grandparents, chic New Yorkers,  and of course the genuinely mentally ill people who need help with crippling anxiety. For every type of person, there’s a different reason to seek out a bottle of “chill pills,” but the end result is pretty much the same for everybody; dangerous dependence.

The active ingredient in Xanax is Alprazolam which is a member of the chemical family of Benzodiazepines, AKA benzos.  Xanax is by far the most popular and widely recognized of this class of medication, but they all function very similarly. The other drugs in the benzo family which you may have heard of include:

  • Lorazepam: Ativan
  • Clonazepam: Klonopin
  • Diazepam: Valium
  • Zolpidem: Ambien
    • This medication is not exactly a benzodiazepine but it shares many of the same characteristics and potential for abuse.

For the purpose of this article, we’re going to talk about all benzos as a group.

1. Tolerance to Xanax and other Benzos develops FAST, especially for people with sleep problems.

One of the most common reasons that benzodiazepines are prescribed is for insomnia. When people can’t fall asleep for whatever reason, they may get a Xanax or Ambien prescription. However, according to Psychiatrist Dr. Stewart Shipko, this is a risky solution. In an interview with the Huffington Post he explains:

“Already by the end of the first week, they’re no longer getting that quality. So the dose begins to rise, say, from .5 mg, which is easily stopped, to 2 mg, which is not.”

In other words, dangerous levels of tolerance can start in just ONE week of use. This makes Xanax HIGHLY addictive since users will have to quickly start upping their doses just to get the same effect as when they originally started taking the medication as prescribed.

2. When combined with alcohol, Benzos have an ADDITIVE effect

This means that 1+1 does not equal 2 when pills are mixed with an alcoholic drink. When mixing benzos and alcohol, you will find yourself much more inebriated than intended which can lead to a dangerous situation. Young people often don’t realize how strong the combination of alcohol and benzos can be, and may find themselves getting sick and blacking out much more quickly. This not only increases the risk of overdose and accidents but can also put young people at high risk for sexual assault. While not the same as the date rape drug, Rohypnol, Xanax can be used by sexual predators to sedate targets and suppress memory in the same exact way.

3. The Xanax you get from a drug dealer is often impure

In this Vice special, Hannah Ewans took an in-depth look at the fake Xanax that is increasingly popular among teenagers. Hannah met with teens who are using fake Xanax and took some samples to the lab for testing. The researchers found that one particular type of fake Xanax, the supposedly stronger “Red Devils” contained a blend of caffeine, 2 times the regular dosage of Alprazolam (Xanax), and Diclazepam which is not even approved for use as a medication. It is strictly sold and used illegally.

Taking these home-made blends of powerful sedatives combined with caffeine is very dangerous because users are exposed to untested combinations of drugs with a stimulant, thus making accidental overdose much more likely.

4. Coming off Xanax is harder than coming off of Heroin

Xanax and other benzodiazepines lead to one of the only two kinds of withdrawal syndromes that can actually kill you. The only other potentially lethal kind of withdrawal happens with severe alcohol addiction. Heroin withdrawal, while extremely uncomfortable and torturous, will not kill you, but Xanax withdrawal can.

As a nervous system depressant, Xanax leads to functional and chemical changes in the brain with long-term use. The brain has to produce extra stimulating neurotransmitters to balance out the depressants. When the depressants are suddenly taken away, the brain is flushed with those excitatory neurotransmitters which leads to a potentially deadly, hyper-adrenergic state. When this happens, recovering Xanax addicts will experience seizures, an inability to control body temperature, hallucinations, chest pain, inability to sleep, and various other serious symptoms.

If you are struggling with a benzo addiction and you would like to detox, Do Not Go It Alone! Seek out a medically supervised detox facility where you can receive life-saving treatment if things go wrong. Coming off of Xanax requires carefully planned tapering doses of benzos along with other medical support for dangerous symptoms that may come up.

5. Xanax poses serious Overdose Risk

According to the Chicago Tribune, Xanax and other benzos are related to about a third of all prescription medication overdose deaths. This drug is widely prescribed and with its high potential for abuse, people frequently take a much higher dose than their bodies can handle.

Other addictive prescription drugs like Oxycodone and Fentanyl are also widely prescribed which means many people end up combining their pain-killers with their anti-anxiety meds.  Unfortunately though, when these opioids are mixed with Xanax, they can dramatically increase the risk for overdose. That’s because all of these medications, the different classes of benzos and opiates, are respiratory depressants. This means they will all work together to suppress breathing, which is one of the main reasons people die from overdose.

Xanax, while very addictive, does have the power to help some people manage severe anxiety. It is also a highly effective aid for anesthesiologists preparing especially frightened patients for surgery.  For these reasons, we’re not going to see it disappear from the pharmacy anytime soon, which means we have to be more mindful of how we’re using it, and who is getting prescriptions. If we’re not careful with this powerful anti-anxiety drug, we will see more and more people getting addicted and falling into harm’s way because of it.

Now is time to take action

If you or someone you love is addicted to Xanax or similar drugs know that you don’t need to fight this battle by yourself. We are here to help you in this process.

It’s completely possible to find and maintain recovery. All you have to do is hit the “Get Help Now” button and we will call you ASAP to provide the support you need.

The Top 10 Most Addictive things on the Planet! [List]

People can become addicted to pretty much anything, depending on their unique conditions and personality. Food, shopping, drugs… There are so many different addictive things out there in the world, and some are clearly worse than others. Have you ever wondered how they compare?

We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 most addictive things out there. However, I didn’t just come up with all of these rankings (well, maybe I did come up with 2 of them..), they are based on research conducted by a group of psychiatrists, chemists, and other addiction specialists. They have come up with “addictiveness” values for each of the following substances on a scale of 0-3, 3 being the most possibly addictive.

10. Amphetamines (1.95)

Amphetamines are a class of drug related to the infamous Methamphetamine. They are usually pharmaceutical grade drugs in the form of a pill, that are then resold without a prescription illegally. Ritalin and Adderall are two common forms of amphetamines.

Although amphetamines are the least addictive substance on our list, they provide additional benefits that discourage users from ever wanting to quit. They can cause weight loss, boosted mood and confidence, and elevated energy. Unfortunately, the longer we use these medications the harder it is to quit, and we develop more and more complications over time.

9. Cocaine (2.13)

Cocaine is derived from the coca plant, native to South America. The coca leaf is a sacred plant among Andean cultures located in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, and Ecuador. However, when the coca leaf is mixed with hydrochloric acid, the result is powder cocaine. The effects of cocaine are stimulating, which means it gives us euphoria, energy and extra confidence.

8. Peanut Butter (2.13**)

BRB readers!

Excuse me, I had to run to the pantry for some more PB.

Equally as addictive as cocaine, peanut butter sinks its hooks into everyone who tries it. Experts agree that here in the USA, we’re currently experiencing a PB-addiction epidemic! Everyone is eating it!!

However, considering peanut butter is awesome, full of protein, and vegan, I think it’s just fine to have a little PB-addiction 😉

**OK, maybe I made this one up, no psychiatrists actually rated PB as a 2.13 in addictiveness.

7. Alcohol (2.13)

Since alcohol is a legal substance, and it’s socially acceptable for us to drink together and celebrate with alcohol, we forget that its also incredibly addictive. Also, we are less likely to notice or take action when an addiction is developing since alcohol is so socially acceptable.

Of all addictive substance on this list, alcohol has the most severe and dangerous withdrawal conditions. Some people with especially severe addiction to alcohol develop a potentially lethal condition called Delirium Tremens if they try to quit drinking cold turkey.

6. Methamphetamine (2.24)

Also known as just Meth, this drug functions as an upper and is highly addictive. It’s usually cooked in less-than-ideal conditions by non-chemists using makeshift equipment. This means that meth is often impure, contaminated, and sometimes adulterated with other dangerous substances to increase the bulk.

Meth is a dangerous drug because it destroys our teeth, skin, mental abilities, cardiovascular system, and more. Longterm use can even cause death.

5. Methadone (2.62)

Ironically, methadone is a prescription medication used to help heroin addicts transition as they work on getting sober. Ironically however, methadone is addictive in itself and now people are using it recreationally when heroin or pain pills aren’t available. Methadone is in the same class of drugs as morphine and heroine, so it produces similar sensations.

In the year 2012, nearly 4.5 thousand deaths resulted from methadone use.

4. Nicotine (2.82)

Cigarettes, cigars, spliffs, hookah, chewing tobacco: the addictive alkaloid nicotine shows up in all of these different tobacco products. At this point, it’s pretty much common knowledge that nicotine is addictive, but did you know that it’s equally addictive as crack cocaine?

How many people do you know who smoke cigarettes, and admit that they wish they could quit? Quite a few, I’m sure. Tobacco gets us hooked chemically, because of the nicotine content, and also emotionally. Many of us grow accustomed to smoking while drinking or socializing. This makes it hard to go out and have fun without also craving a smoke.

3. Crack Cocaine (2.82)

This drug is made by mixing and heating powder cocaine with a base (high pH substance) like baking soda, and water. This process yields the purest form of cocaine possible. Because of this, crack produces a more intense and fast-acting high than powder cocaine. The effects usually last for less than a few minutes. For this reason, users will often take multiple hits, and use the drug over and over again to maintain their high.

2. LOVE (2.87**)

Have you ever heard the saying that love is a drug? Well it’s not actually, but it is an emotional state that can surely become addictive!

Love is a beautiful thing that helps us to boost our mood, forget our problems, and feel more confident. It’s supposed to make us feel good, but it only works when the love is true and sincere. When we’re compulsively seeking out new lovers and getting into iffy relationships because of it, love can actually make us feel worse in the long run.

Brad Lamm, CIP explains:

Love addiction is characterized by compulsive or obsessive patterns in romance, sexuality and relationships that have harmful consequences for the addict and their partners. The love addict pursues romance and the high of new love without ever developing genuine intimacy and connection. Love becomes a source of an emotional rush that distorts reality. The subsequent terror and fear of abandonment that follows is too much to bear.

** I made up this numerical value, but scientists and mental health experts all agree that love can certainly be very addictive!

1. Heroin (2.89)

The #1 most addictive substance, Heroin, is a form of opioid painkiller like methadone and morphine. Unlike methadone which me mentioned earlier, heroin is not available by prescription; it must be purchased illegally. Therefore, it’s more dangerous than other opioids because it’s often impure, contaminated, or cut down.

What makes heroin unique, is that it rapidly breaks down the brain’s built-in reward system composed of dopamine and endorphins. Over time, heroin addicts find it impossible to experience any pleasure outside of using the drug. This is why they keep coming back despite all of the harm.

Do you or someone you care about struggle with one or more items on the list?

Sometimes it may be hard to tell if you are addicted to a certain substance or not. Especially when you know people that are facing a far worse situation than you. But that doesn’t mean you’re not addicted and that you don’t need help.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with any substance on this list, please, do not hesitate to ask for help. We are here to provide the assistance you need!

All you have to do is click the button below and we’ll take the next steps together.

The 8 Worst Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Deciding to quit drinking alchohol is a tough decision to make. Implementing it is even harder. If we’ve been drinking a lot for a while now, our brains become chemically dependent on alchohol just to function normally. So, when we quit cold turkey… bam! Alcohol withdrawal symptoms jump out to get us. At Intervention.com we can help support you through this stage on your way to sobriety.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are an uncomfortable, but also unavoidable,  hurdle to cross on the way to sobriety. You can get through it! millions have before you. Knowing the symptoms ahead of time will help you prepare and get through this tough transition stage. Let’s go through the 8 worst alcohol withdrawal symptoms!

What causes alcohol withdrawal symptoms?

The active ingredient in alcoholic drinks is ethanol, which is what gets us drunk. This drug, ethanol, is a nervous system depressant. It makes the brain work slower than normal. When someone is a chronic drinker, their brain makes adjustments so it can get used to the depressant effect. After a while, the brain starts to produce additional excitatory neurotransmitters and receptors to balance out the effect of the alcohol. The brain physically and chemically changes to speed things up, if alcohol has been chronically slowing it down.

When we quit alcohol suddenly, our brain doesn’t adjust at the same rhythm. It’s so used to hitting the gas all the time because alcohol is slowing it down. Our brains stay in overdrive for a while, producing these 8 alcohol withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are all indicators of a brain suffering from overstimulation. Treatment for alcohol withdrawal symptoms involves careful and temporary use of nervous system depressants that aren’t alcohol.

The 8 Worst Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

These 8 are only a few  of the many possible alcohol withdrawal symptoms. They represent the most common and most severe symptoms that people experience during alcohol detox.

1. Hallucinations

When someone sees, hears, or feels things that aren’t there, they are experiencing something doctors call alcohol hallucinosis. This symptom can be the most frightening and challenging to overcome. Hallucinations start around 6-24 hours after taking your last drink and can persist for a few days. Under normal alcohol detox conditions, the patient should still be aware of reality and clear-headed even with hallucinations.

2. Seizures

Seizures are terrifying and can be dangerous. Not everyone experiences seizures, but if you do they will occur within the first 48 hours of alcohol detox. The risk for seizures due to alcohol withdrawal peaks at 24 hours after the last drink and then tapers down. Some people experience single, more intense seizure once in a while. Others experience multiple, “smaller” seizures in groups. Although uncomfortable and scary, the seizures will let up by your third day.

3. Tremors

Within only 5 hours of the last alcoholic drink, most people going through alcohol withdrawal will get the shakes. Tremors are most obvious in the hands, but the whole body is in fact shaking. The shakes are usually occompanied by anxiety, a racing heart, and restlessness.

4. Confusion

During alcohol withdrawal, the brain is struggling to regain balance of its neurotransmitters. These chemicals are what allow our brain cells to communicate and function. When they are severely disturbed, in the case of alcohol withdrawal, we can get confused. Our brains are overwhelmed, stressed, and not working as quickly and efficiently as normal.

5. Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are typical symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Unfortunately, this symptom can last for a whole week after quitting alcohol.

Prepare for stomach problems by drinking fluids and electrolytes. Some sports beverages might help you get through withdrawal without getting too dehydrated.

6. Heart palpitations

If you’re not expecting it, this symptom can be terrifying!! Heart palpitations can feel like a heart attack or worse, and trigger a panic attack.The cardiac system, stressed by chronic alcohol use, has a hard time adjusting to sobriety.  During withdrawal, expect your heart to race and beat irregularly from time to time.

7. Delirium Tremens

In only 5%-20% of alcohol detox cases, delirium tremens can take place. This is the most severe form of alcohol withdrawal and it is an emergency situation that requires medical attention. Delirium tremens refers to a hyper-adrenergic state where the brain is overcome with those excitatory neurotransmitters we mentioned earlier. For those who develop delirium tremens, most will require treatment in the ICU, Intensive Care Unit.

Delirium Tremens is characterized by much more severe versions of the typical withdrawal symptoms. The most recognizable are confusion and hallucinations. Although confusion and hallucinations are to be expected, in delirium tremens, the person is not as clear. They lose sight of reality and can fall into a sleepy or confused state that last for days. This condition begins around 24-48 hours after the last drink and can persist for up to two weeks.

8. Death

For most people, alcohol withdrawal symptoms will pass within 5 days without any major complications. However, in a small minority of cases, some people don’t make it though detox. The mortality rate for people who experience delirium tremens is between 15% and 20%. For this reason, we recommend that anyone considering alcohol detoxification seek out medical assistance ahead of time.

Hit the the button below to start a new chapter in your life.

Here, we can connect you to an alcohol detox program so you can get through this stage safely. Please reach out to us if you’re struggling with alcohol, and ready to get clean.

Natural Ways to Cope with Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

So you’ve quit smoking, and now those nicotine withdrawal symptoms are turning their ugly heads. For some people, nicotine replacement therapy is a suitable option. This would include e-cigarettes, dermal patches, nicotine gums, or any other form of tobocco-less nicotine supplement. The benefit of transitioning to these products is that you can taper down the nicotine withdrawal symptoms over time. Nicotine replacement therapy may be right for you, but it is not always the best option for everyone. For those of you that would prefer to quit smoking naturally, without introducing any new addictive substances, we’ve prepared a list of some natural remedies for nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

  • Cravings
  • Increased appetite
  • Depression
  • Restlessness
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Irritability
  • Disturbed sleeping patterns
  • Light-headedness
  • Wet, mucosal cough
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth

Quitting all tobacco cold-turkey tends to produce these nicotine withdrawal symptoms pretty quickly, which then last for weeks or months. If you’re going to quit successfully this time around, you better start prepared. These tips will help you beat those cravings, and stop you from picking up another smoke. Naturally.

1. Eat a small portion of fruit or vegetables whenever cravings hit

Take it up a notch by stepping outside for some fresh air while you snack. Personally, this is the step that made quitting possible for me. Whenever my emotions or anxieties started rising and the cravings were coming on strong, I would step away like I would for a smoke, and have a mandarin orange instead. By using this technique, I got my 5 minute vacation that cigarettes used to provide, while nourishing my body instead of poisoning it. Please give this tip a try! You can use carrots, grapes, apples, nuts, whatever healthy little snack you love. By the time you’ve had your snack, and gone back to whatever it was you were doing before, the craving will have passed.

2. Avoid drinking alcohol

When you’re out having a drink or two, especially with friends, it’s very easy to just pick up a smoke. Cravings go up the more you drink. Just don’t even put yourself in that situation. Once the withdrawal symptoms subside in a month or two, drinking won’t be so triggering. For now, stay away from the bottle.

3. Develop a bed-time ritual

Bath bombs, candles, soft music, essential oils. These lovely things can bring your bedtime habits to a higher level of relaxation. Get creative, think about what works specificically for you when planning your ritual.

A well defined bed-time ritual will help you improve your sleep hygiene. This is a term psychologists use to describe how well you are conditioning your body to sleep restfully through the night. Good sleep hygiene means winding down, and using “sleepy triggers” to tell your unconscious brain to start producing melatonin and get ready for bed. My bed-time ritual consists of a quick tidy-up in my bedroom after showering, followed by a rub of lavender oil on my hands and through my hair, then some journaling in bed before lights out. You will see results after a week or two of repeating your nightly ritual; the more consistent you are, the better your sleeps will be.

4. Get moving

Exercising a little bit extra during the first month or two after quitting tobacco will help with multiple withdrawal symptoms. Depression, cravings, irritability, restlessness, and your sleep quality will all improve with some additional exercise.

Some people leave for a short walk around the neighborhood whenever a craving hits. This technique works to both up your daily exercise and change those smoking behavior patterns too. Your habit of leaving for a smoke will gradually fade into the new habit of taking a little walk.

Upping the exercise during this phase will help you to avoid weight gain related to smoking cessation. Doctors agree that this type of weight gain is due to metabolic changes, reduction in physical activity, and increases in unhealthy snacking. Expect these changes, and plan ahead for them to avoid a surprise 10 new pounds on the scale.

5. Start carrying a reusable water bottle

Drinking more water is healthy and will distract your hands and mouth when you want a cigarette. You might find that drinking more water helps alleviate that constipation too. A lot of people like to add fruits or cucumber slices to their water bottles to add a little interesting flavor. Buy some fruit, get your reusable water bottle out, and start drinking more water!

6. Pick up a new activity

When you’ve just decided to put down cigarettes for good, smoking suddenly takes up all of your waking thoughts. 24/7 you find yourself thinking about how bad you want a smoke but also how you’re not allowed to. Fixation is not good! This is why I recommend picking up a new hobby or interest once you decide to quit smoking. Making the effort to focus on this new activity will keep you from obsessing over cigarettes. At the end of this phase, you might end up with a brag-worthy new skill, or a beautiful hand-made work to display. What have you always wanted to do, but never got around to starting? Now might just be the perfect time to start.

Quitting smoking is hard, I tried it about 50 thousand times before I managed to stop for good. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms make the process so much harder, I know. If you’re still struggling after trying these tips, please reach out to us at intervention.com. We have expertise in smoking cessation that will help you reach your goals.

Just hit the button below and we will help you get rid of this problem.

Differences between Bulimia and Anorexia

The standard of beauty in the U.S. is pretty hard to meet these days. Men, women, kids… all of us diet out of fear of getting fat. There is so much pressure to be thin that we’re seeing millions of people, of all kinds, developing eating disorders in the U.S. alone.

Two of the main eating disorders you need to know about are Bulimia and Anorexia. These two conditions are similiar and sometimes occur together, but there are key differences between them. We’ll go into detail here about both conditions, so you will be more able to distinguish the two. Hopefully this knowledge will help you or a loved one to obtain the treatment needed to break free from bulimia or anorexia.

First things first, let’s discuss a third condition called Body Dysmorphic Disorder. I’m bringing this up first because it is often the underlying anxiety disorder that leads to the disordered eating we see in bulimia and anorexia.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

This condition is categorized by psychologists as an anxiety disorder. When someone has body dysmporphic disorder, BDD, it means they have become preoccupied, and distressed by a real or imagined bodily flaw. Those affected believe that the flaw makes them hideous and worthless, damaging self-esteem. It’s normal to have some insecurities or concerns about flaws, but with BDD, body-image insecurities get in the way of your life. Those suffering BDD might spend hours in front of the mirror, worrying, insulting oneself, crying, and wishing they were different. The flaw could be anything, but often times the focus of BDD is body fat.

Not everyone with BDD develops an eating disorder. However, most people suffering from anorexia and bulimia experience BDD centered around their body fat.

Common Risk Factors for BDD and Disordered Eating

  • Researchers have found the genetics accounts for 30%-80% of the risk for developing anorexia or bulimia. Scientists are working now to identify specific genes that may cause these eating disorders.
  • Social pressure to be thing contributes to the prevalance of anorexia and bulimia. Since the 1950s, when televised images of skinny beautiful people popped up everywhere, rates of disordered eating have been skyrocketing. Social scientists have tracked the relationship between western media and eating disorders all over the world for years now. Today, there are campaigns to establish more realistic standards of beauty in the media. However, in general, the media still puts immense pressure on us to be thin and perfect.
  • Being a girl: women and girls are ten times more likely to develop anorexia or bulimia than males. Many experts believe this is because women are under an even greater pressure to be thin. A growing number of boys and men have been developing eating disorders. In males, eating disorders are more often accompanied with over-exercising because they tend to desire a muscular look rather than a skinny look.
  • Having a mood disorder: Mood disorders and eating disorders are related. Many people suffering from anorexia or bulimia have some form of depression or anxiety as well. Experts speculate that losing weight with anorexic and bulimic behaviors restores a sense of control and self-esteem. In other words, losing weight is used to soothe underlying mood disorders in some anorexic and bulimic patients.
  • Trauma
  • Being close to other people with disordered eating. Growing up in a home where one or both parents were always on a diet can contribute to disordered eating in children.


Anorexia Nervosa

Individuals experiencing anorexia are characterized by low body weight, intense fear of becoming fat, drastic food restriction, and a desire to be thin. Oftentimes those suffering from anorexia view themselves as overweight, which is disturbing to friends and family who clearly see otherwise.

The main behavior associated with anorexia is food restriction. This behavior leads to the following physical and emotional symptoms:

  • Amenorrhea, loss of the menstrual cycle
  • Lanugo, which are soft fine hairs that grow all over the body

Obsession with calorie counts and fat contents of foods | Food rituals such as hiding food or eating in secret | Using laxatives and diet pills | Cold intolerance | Excessive exercising | Low blood pressure | Rapid or irregular heartbeat | Rounded belly | Social Isolation | Bad breath | Dry, brittle skin and hair | Hair loss | Chronic Fatigue | Mood swings | Orange discoloration of feet | Muscle aches and pains | Malnourishment | Death

Bulimia Nervosa

As with anorexia, bulimia is characterized by fears of becoming fat, food restriction, and a strong desire to be thin. However, what makes bulimia unique is binging and purging behavior. Additionally, bulimia has a stronger link with depression than anorexia.Those with bulimia may not be so shockingly thin as anorexia patients, but they are still often underweight.

What makes bulimia and unique is the presence of binging and purging behaviors. Binging refers to an episode where someone eats an unnecessarily large amount of food in less than 2 hours. Binging usually leads to feelings of shame and guilt which then lead to a desire to “reverse the damage” by purging. The purging behavior we see most frequently is forcing oneself to throw up with hands, objects, or certain medicines.

Purging behaviors damage the body over time. In addition to the risks from calorie restriction and malnourishment that we see in anorexia, we also see additional symptoms that result from purging. Here are the unique physical and emotional symptoms of bulimia:

  • Chronic gastric reflux
  • Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances
  • Irregular heart rhythm
  • Inflammation of the esophagus
  • Rupture, and bleeding of the esophagus wall
  • Bleeding from the stomach/esophagus junction
  • Mouth injuries
  • Hand scarring and infection, from repetitive contact with the teeth
  • Erosion and loss of teeth
  • Constipation
  • Ulcers
  • Low self-esteem
  • Low blood pressure
  • Disrupted menstruation
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Chronic fatigue

Now is time to take action

If after learning more about these 2 common and life threatening eating disorders, you feel that you or someone you love is suffering from anorexia or bulimia, please reach out.

At Breathe Life Healing Centers, we have expert staff trained to help you move past the damage in your life caused by anorexia or bulimia. Founder Brad Lamm has personally experienced the struggle with eating disorders, and strives to help others break free too.